Hank Williams - The Show He Never Gave
Hank Williams
Hank Wiliams
Hank Williams - The Show He Never Gave
Hank Williams - The Show He Never Gave

Produced in August 2010 by Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre at the McPherson Playhouse in Victoria B.C., Hank Williams was part of the first season I designed costumes for the stage.

The show featured five performers: Zach Stevenson as Hank, and a four piece band. A mixture of music and memoir, the play is about real-life Hank Williams’ career and premature death. I hand painted the suit we fashioned after an original suit American tailor Nudie Cohn designed for Hank Williams. The band were costumed in matching musical note detailed rose and brown suits. The show later was presented by Persephone Theatre, in the spring of 2012.

It was a simple and beautiful show and characteristic of Blue Bridge’s proclivity to do shows featuring strong musical talent.

Hank Williams
Hank Williams

Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre

Director - Brian Richmond

Set - Nathan Brown

Costumes - Patricia Reilly

Lights - Giles Hogya

Photo - Tim Matheson

Hank Wiliams
Hank Wiliams

Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre

Director - Brian Richmond

Set - Nathan Brown

Costumes - Patricia Reilly

Lights - Giles Hogya

Photo - Tim Matheson